There are times when I think, if you’re in a position of power, and you lose your cool, you lose your credibility. Cameron has lost his cool.
He appears to have spat the dummy out the pram and is stomping his feet up and down the stairs of number 10.
Why do I say that?.. well, because I’ve been watching and listening to him over the past few days. I‘ll be honest with you now and say, I’ve never really been anti Cameron, in fact there are times when I’ve quite enjoyed listening to him, and have often felt he has a point on a number of things. This is not one of those times.
Under Cameron’s direction a council has served an eviction notice on one of the 'London rioters', or should I say, the entire family. To remove the roof over a persons head is in my opinion, quite wicked. Some of you may say, well ‘that’s what has happened to the unfortunate people who lost their homes due to fires’, and yes that’s a great and tragic misfortune indeed. However, two wrongs?.
Think about it, how many of us actually know who we live next door to? How much do we actually know about them?
One of the great and wondrous things about our ‘communities’ is that people are able to reside side by side, without much aggravation, despite the fact that in some cases some of these people have committed deplorable acts in the past, but in the main we believe in rehabilitation and we believe in given people a chance. right?

There are things happening right now in places like Afghanistan that we really wouldn’t want to know about. But we question them not, we 'accept' them because it’s out of sight, its war, and people do unpleasant things during war, and that’s somehow become ‘acceptable’
I’ll be clear when I say this so no one misunderstands. I don’t agree with wanton acts of violence and destruction, which is another reason why I think that deliberately making a person destitute is not the way to go, you’ve got to be pretty heartless to do that. It's another act of violence in my book.
I hope the whoever has the final say will decide against
I’ve said this to a friend once who said that ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.. I said yep, that may be true, but in some cases, they’ aint’ a patch on some men. When they get mad.. they get mad!! Retribution , brimstone and fire
Making a bad situation worse?
It's just not cricket is it.
Ive worked out I dont much dig sulky men, passive aggressive men, jealous men, insecure men or angry men.
*Reminds me of a boy who lived round the corner growing up who just used to show off his new toys, try run us other kids over with his big 'racer' bike, and hit you when you didn't wanna be his friend:)

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