Once we were old enough- the trek to Notting Hill became a family outing. It was also possibly the only time I ever really saw my 'god parents' as that was where they lived.. which proved handy the time there was a..err ahem.. 'disturbance' resulting in fires, bottle throwing, and a whole lot of running lol.. I laugh now but trust me.. at the time.. I was scared stiff!!
I used to love carnival. I never ever thought about the 'meaning ' of it or how it began.. as a little girl it was all about steel pans, and amazing costumes.. some that looked as tall as a house.. huge birds, and funny looking things that wouldn't have looked out of place on sesame street.... only they could dance.. boy could they dance!!.. a 7 ft dancing 'furry 'thing' is one of the funniest sights to behold.

As I got older it was all about sound systems and stage shows. Most defining memory was Aswads performance at meanwhile gardens one year... the atmosphere was electric..
I remember space, and being able to stroll around safely, enjoying the vibes, as people sat on doorsteps, cooked outside, people laughed, danced..and house parties seem to strike up anywhere.

I haven't been for years.
It changed. The route changed, the atmosphere became tense, and people are now herded into ridiculously tight spaces (kettling) and for someone (like me) who really doesn't like crowds, or more accurately doesn't like being stuck in crowded spaces, it's unpleasant.
Plus, was never much a fan of that 'walking dance' that soca sometimes asks of you!
Carnival really is a jewel in London crown, it's history of migrants, and Caribbean influences etc..does much to showcase the beauty of London and Londoners.. but I feel ( over the years) I'm not the only one that's taken it for granted..
If you're off to Carnival this year.. have a great time!!!:)
Sounds kinda interesting.