Adapting to change is difficult at the best of times but truth is we’re faced with it every day.
Some change is I guess quite minor, like the change of the brand name 'Marathon' to 'Snickers', or 'Jiff' to 'Ciff' (don’t get that one either!!)
There are the more superficial but nonetheless emotionally impacting changes of our appearance, e.g. weight loss or gain.. ageing.
There the changes in our status from single to married or married to single.
There are the changes in our income streams at times, and the fluidity of friendships or acquaintances.
There are times in life when change is the last thing you want, but could turn out to be the best thing you ever receive.
Could be a blessing in disguise.
I wonder what it is about change that often makes some of us feel uneasy at times. Is it the change we don’t feel in control of or didn’t request?. In short, perhaps a fear of the unknown?
Regardless, change is one thing that's inevitable.
How have you coped with changes in your life?.. any tips?
I suppose the prospect of change forces you to confront issues, almost like acknowledging that something in one's life could be better. I get shook by change sometimes and often its the simplest of things like changing an electricity supplier. but change in of itself is good, reaffirming even, you can't always just let the sleeping dogs lounge
ReplyDeleteI agree Chrome, change can be reaffirming - once i've got my head around it i'm okay, what unnerves me sometimes is my occasional 'fear' of change. the little voice in the head saying ooh, what if, but it might not..
ReplyDeleteI fight with that, but i think i'm winning at the mo:)
Lovely post Dawna......after lots of soul searching over the years I have to agree on the point that FEAR often stands in the way of change regardless of the magnitude or significance. Sometimes this fear stems from the fact we don't believe in ourselves and that in itslef will cause you negativity and locks you deeper into the box you find yourself.
ReplyDeleteI have been there, went from married to single and through the process I was petrified of how am I gonna cope, becasuse technically I was now a statistic labelled accordingly SINGLE mother in effect.
What we fail to realise sometimes, is that we all have an in built survival mechanism which kick into action immediately an uncomfortable senario arises in our lives. Instead of taking a deep breath and repeating "I can handle this no matter what" we default into panic mode....
Quite clearly panic eqauls state of unrest and judgement becomes clouded. What we should all remember is we are never alone, there is always a friend, family, stranger or services at our disposal we just need to tap into it.
Tips for embracing change I say just feel it....your decision will never be a mistake but rather another lesson of your life experiences which can only make you even stronger!!!
Thanks ChilledLeo for you insightful response.. I recognise that feeling of panic and what it generates and continue to take steps to work on that... and yes I believe that much can be learned from our 'mistakes' and in my own life, have me stronger, and hopefully wiser
ReplyDeleteSometimes it's also good to learn, or be reminded of, just how much we dont know, scary but exciting