Why has that come to mind? well because anytime I pass through the city it looks like a sea of black and grey. Not faces... suits. Black and grey suits.
As I watched the people on mass from the 'vantage' point of the top deck of a bus, I initially though how like robots they all seemed. A sea of robots, programmed to do whatever it is they do. Then I wondered how they must feel, having to don this uniform every day, which, as smart as it is.. on mass, seems to extinguish individualism. But then I looked again.. harder.. some chatting away, other looking forlorn, each one a life of their own, friends, family, a boss, insecurities, hopes and dreams. Perhaps in jobs they've wanted all their lives. Perhaps in jobs they hate.

Such a hard environment. Does kindness have a place in the city, or would that be viewed as weakness?
I guess things always look different from the outside looking in.
Suits. What's really going on under there?
*oh, Boris's bikes are popular but looks like a lot of hard work to get 'em going*

most likely a weakness. having worked as a computer developer at Citibank I can say the pressure is ridiculous. Everything and everyone is too demanding on that now-now-now ish. do they enjoy their jobs? who knows
ReplyDeleteI read this post and thought thank goodness I can be causually dressed to work......
ReplyDeleteDawna I totally get what you mean by robotics, every one, behaviour, mannerism alike all seem to be synchronised in the morning, at lunch time and even the ride on the tube/bus home in the evening.
What always used to crack me up... as you mentioned whats really under there.....frustrated individuals who throw their prim and proper behaviour out of the window when it comes to boarding the train in the morning.
Imagine a grown ass man or woman dressed up in a suit knuckling down for a good show down, all because some other person had pushed in front of them.....that kinda scene classic!!! LOL
@Chrome - I feel a sense of pressure/tension in the air, and that's just me passing through!!
ReplyDeleteIt would be interesting to know if drink and other stimulant sales were higher in those areas/blood pressure that kind of thing.. I guess some would say if you can't stand the heat-nature of the beast an all that
@ChilledLeo - lol a suit can't mask bad behaviour/rudeness that's for sure!!
I enjoy the fact that I can dress casually for work- i also enjoy observing the various ways clothes influences attitudes:)
Some men can wear the heck out of a suit, they just have a cool and easy swagger that makes you say.. scrummy..
I also wonder why everyone walks so fast!! never an easy pace.. I wonder would it help if they left home earlier lol..
I suspect not.. there apears to be one accepted pace. Fast.