Friday 12 August 2011

Ode to hypocrisy?..

An interesting article, well worth the read - by Peter Oborne Telegraph chief political writer - you can read it here


  1. Easily the best article I have read on the problems since they arose. Thanks for the heads up!


  2. Same here Rory!
    No probs':)

  3. great article

    "the repellent Financial Times magazine How to Spend It is a bible" I remember blogging about that magazine which I came across at the height of the financial system meltdown. here we are bailing them out and their magazine advertises £30,000 pound diamond watches. disconnected from society or what? and now the system want to blame the street people for everything ... *smh*

  4. I fear some people wouldn't be able to get up in the morning, would struggle to function were it not for that insatiable appetite - that desperate need they appear to have to feel better than, and more importantly look down upon someone else;)

    They're out in force at the moment and i wish some would just get back in their box:)
    1 law for 1 eh!!
