Saturday 13 August 2011

David Starkey on Newsnight last night..


  1. Now that was rather interesting.

  2. Man alive - not since Bernard Manning have we seen such a misguided bigot being given air time

  3. @Reggie - it was.
    @Grogan - quite sad really On the History of the Tudors he's really very interesting, on this he's as you said so politely - misguided.

  4. He's a sad, embittered old man who probably still bemoans the fall of the Empire. A year or two ago he alienated the Scots with his myopic view of history. I see he's moving on to other groups now which threaten his view that God is not only white - but an Englishman too.

    Women next methinks.


  5. Rory - I agree - pretty sure well be on his 'hit list! he may prefer to keep that quiet though!:)

    There's no doubt in my mind that he's a sad an embittered old man.
    He was on a program called Jamies (Oliver) Dream School, and his role was to teach a group of 'tough' kids history. I was stunned by his rudeness! he insulted and patronised them to the point they didn't want him back. Later he spoke about his own upbringing and life, and I realised he's a tourtured man in many ways.
    Regardless, his views are destructive, yet in reality are played out everyday, even at times by those who may not realise, or think they mean well. The demonisation of African Carribeans has resulted in black men ( in particular ) being ( and this figure seems to change on a regular basis so forgive me ) still approx 7 times less likely to be offered employment. We all know about stop and search.. etc..Women are not as feared but we do experience racism in other ways. People do all kinds of things to make themselves more 'acceptable, or less 'scary' or simply to get on in life, for some that may go as far as to virtually denounce who they are, history /culture

    These views over time have spread like the unpleasant virus it is.
    I cherish those among us who are not like that.
    Very special people indeed.
    Time for change methinks:)
    ps how dare he alienate the Scots:)
