Friday 20 March 2015

The Sun the Earth and the Moon

The big news this morning is the Solar Eclipse [click]

Apparently what we will see here in London is a partial eclipse.
This brought my attention to the fact that we rarely see stars in the Sky in London anymore. I couldn't tell you the last time I've seen anything twinkling in the sky that wasn't airplane lights. So.. if you live in a part of the world where the Sky's are clear enough to see stars at night.. (without needing specialist equipment ).. you are very fortunate with that.

The last time that I remember the sky becoming oddly dark in the day here in London, I was on the steps at a previous work place...I went inside and saw people gathered around a computer. The twin towers had come down. #true.

As as Libran, I will confess that I really like when things are in alignment. So welcome eclipse, we look forward to ( possibly not) seeing you.
Have a great day all, eclipse or not, wherever you are in the world x

What it may mean in astrology


  1. I experienced a full solar eclipse only once -- in Winnipeg about 35 years ago. I can understand why this phenomenon terrified people back in non-scientific days. It is spooky!

    1. I'd like to experience that!.. it was bright throughout here.. a tad darker, but nothing you'd notice!

  2. wow, here in India it will not be visible.
    I remember long ago when I was in school Solar eclipse day in India. We were warned not to look directly at the Sun that day. Many indirect methods were suggested ! Huge excitement, it was !

    1. I watched it online. I was disappointing not to have been plunged into abolute darkness for a bit.
      Looked lovely online
