Thursday, 25 December 2014

It's Christmas morning!

Merry Christmas everyone!

We're up up up over here in East London
'Santa' came early.. I have a screen!
Breakfast and the news. Normal business has resumed. Gruffalo?.. Shrek?..After mums...hmmm Easternders Christmas special?.. hey..anything is possible now. The world is my viewing Oyster. Thank you biggest son.

A screen and a pending proposal... I'm overwhelmed, and I'm yet to open my gifts under the tree. Just waiting til Ti's ready.
What can they be??

Have a peaceful and blessed day everyone, whether at home or abroad, with all the family, as a couple, or alone. I'm still with the fever but I have to go mums anyway. I'll wrap up warm. Keep it low key.
Say a prayer.. save the world..remember God..
Okay.. I'm more than ready too Tala.. :)



  1. It's been a while since I've seen It's a Wonderful Life. I enjoyed that movie.

    Have a very Merry Christmas!
