Sunday, 28 December 2014

Weekend WOW Factor - Just 3 days of 2014 remaining... and a documentary or two. ft music by Jah Cure

Only 3 days before 2015
It looks set to be a busy one but I'm okay with that. I'm ready to see in a New Year.. and see out the old

I really hope that I someday I wont have to endure UK winters in the not too distant future, it will be nice to be able to relocate to warmer climes.. and remain there until the weather is more 'humane' again.
Obviously I will need to budget for this or at the very least ensure that my income is able to accommodate my life desires.
God willing

I still have the flu so am starting to feel a bit 'irritable'. I thought I'd try catch up on some reading and some good music. Then clamber back to bed

I scanned the news for my Weekend WOW factor, but nothing really struck me. ( not yet anyway)
..Missing plane ( again) .. New Era Estate been bought by 'caring developers',... the UK population apparently malnourished due to poor nutritional value in foods. ( that we buy) If you add ( that we buy.. It changes the story completely...)
The wife of ex Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo ( Simone) to face trial ( ICC) for her part in Ivory Coast election violence and( its alleged) aiding her husband to hang on to power.
What else?.... more wars ...Al shabaab etc.. a 'plot' to harm kill the Queens guards. The Porn Industry losing a court battle trying to prove that the right to not wear a condom during filming was a form of 'free speech. There were some really funny comments attached to that one, wet me tell you:) In truth, It's hardly surprising they didn't succeed

News-wise...nothing really grabbed me

A documentary I watched the other day did
It could easily be renamed, as the title is a little misleading. It's about a particular school and a particular type of teaching.. and not really about the Taliban
I watched it.. but can't say I enjoyed it much. I didn't. It was informative .

Another documentary I watched was this... Fault Lines - Ferguson: Race and justice in the US.
Again.. very informative. Upsetting, but it's said walk a mile in a persons shoes. Some of the incidents reported on... cases of 'policing' are shocking.





Why is Boxing Day called Boxing Day?
'As servants prepared to leave to visit their families, their employers would present them with gift boxes. Despite its name, Boxing Day, which is celebrated on December 26 in Great Britain, has nothing to do with pugilistic competition. Nor is it a day for people to return unwanted Christmas presents.'

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